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Find out more about Francesca

Francesca is the founder and face behind Elite Animal Therapy. Founded in 2020, Francesca has gained a Post Graduate Certificate (PGCert) in Animal Therapy, and a Masters (MSc) in Animal Manipulation (Chiropractic) both from McTimoney College. Prior to this she gained a BSc with international experience (honours) in Zoology from Bangor University and Oregon State University (USA). Now Francesca works as a Musculoskeletal Specialist primarily within the North West of England holding clinic days further afield.

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Professional Affiliations

Francesca is currently affiliated to three professional organisations who ensure she maintains a high level of CPD and has all of the correct and relevant qualifications and insurance to offer a gold standard of treatment.


These affiliations provide a national database of practitioners that allows for Veterinary practices and other para professionals to refer clients on through as well as allowing owners to find responsible and effective practitioners local to themselves. 


At present Francesca is affiliated with

RAMP - Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners

MAA - McTimoney Animal Association

IAAT - International Association of Animal Therapists

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Dressage Judging


Alongside her passion for competing, Francesca is also a trainee British Dressage Judge currently completing her qualifications and portfolio to become a Listed BD Judge.

At present as a trainee judge this means she can judge for unaffiliated competitions as well as Pony Club Tests and British Riding Club non qualifier competitions.


As part of her portfolio she has to scribe for, sit in on, practice judge and observe training sessions for a large number of horses. All of this helping to provide a rounded education for her judging career. Something she is enjoying completing.


Once listed (as long as everything goes well) she will then be able to judge at Affiliated BD competitions as well as British Eventing competitions.


Business Achievements

Francesca was extremely privileged to have been finalised by the Equestrian Business Awards in 2023 for Equine Therapist of the year. This was an honour for her to have made it to the final 4 therapists in the country and her and the whole team behind her had a great night celebrating at the awards ceremony in November.

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For this prestigious award she has had to provide evidence for all of her professional affiliations, awards, CPD and more, as well as having an interview with a panel of judges who specialise in this field. Through this she has shown how the business has developed from being founded and what plans she has moving forwards, with lots of exciting things in the pipework.

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2024 - Francesca again was lucky enough to have been selected as a finalist in her category for Equine Therapist of the Year. This past year has seen big developments and investments in the business and she can't wait to share them all with the judging panel and have another great night celebrating with her team at the awards.


Hopefully this time she can come home with the title!

From being a finalist for the Equestrian Business Awards she has also been invited to join Equinnect - an equestrian business directory who vet their businesses which supports people to make informed choices of the professionals in their area.                    

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On the rare occasion where Francesca is not working she can be found spending time with her own animals and partner, Jack.​​


She currently competes her Irish Cob, Angus, in dressage at the Elementary Level with the aims of completing a Medium in 2025. They have currently just affiliated under British Dressage and will be aiming towards the Pet Plan Area Festivals. Their favourite dressage memory is their first stay away show at the Trailblazer Championships where they secured a 6th place on the final day of competition.​

Alongside dressage they also enjoy competing at their local shows. Their best accomplishment to date is pulling 11th in the Ridden Show Cobs at the prestigious STARS out of 54 combinations. 



The team have some very excited and nerve-racking news with Lucinda, she has been confirmed in foal for 2025. This will be the first foal for both Lucinda and the Elite team. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and the herd will increase by 1 in the spring time. 

Lucinda, KWPN has been covered by Aye Aye Skipper, RID. Francesca hopes to get a really good combination of the two's genetics to hopefully be able to then go on and produce her next competition horse.


When not competing or training with her horses she can be found training, working or enjoying time with her two dogs and parents dog.


They rehomed Hamish the bulldog through the pandemic and he is now a much beloved pet and honorary gun dog who likes to train, although this may be because of the food rewards.​​​

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​When not training or working they can all be found enjoying some downtime exploring the countryside which recently includes paddle boarding.

​​Fergus the Flat Coated Retriever, is the most recent addition to the family. Francesca ​​has achieved Kennel Club Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates for obedience. Francesca, Jack and Fergus have enjoyed their first experience of working him out on the field in the beating line and hope to do more this season.


At present they are part of a gundog demonstration team called The Family Gundog who showcase every year at various locations such as The Game Fair and The Royal Three Counties.  Poppy, Fergus' littermate who is owned by Francesca's parents and is also being trained as a working gundog can often be found causing Flat Coated mayhem with her brother.


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